How To Self Tan Your Arms & Legs

How To Tan Your Arms & Legs

Whether you’re new to the tanning game or just want to brush up on your skills, we’re here for you babe, with our top tips to help you achieve a flawless self tan from your head to your toes!
Choose Your Tan
First of all choose your favorite fake tan! Whether that be a Mousse, Mist or Lotion, choose whichever one your most confident with, if you’ve gone for a Mousse or Lotion we would also recommend using a mitt for the most flawless of tans!
Bottom To Top
When applying your tan to your arms and legs, or even your whole body, we’d always suggest you work your way from the bottom to the top, so always start with your legs, up to your torso, chest and then your arms, leaving your face till last. Apply your fake tan in circular motions and don’t be afraid to apply more tan if needed, less is more is not a thing in the tanning game!
Blend, Blend, Blend
Another one of our top tips is to make sure any of your dry areas are moisturised, this could include areas like your elbows, hands, wrists, knees, ankles and feet. When going over these areas it’s best to leave them till last so your moisturiser has been absorbed, and only brush the excess of your mitt over these areas and then blend, blend, blend so your tan sits naturally!