How To Self Tan Your Back

Tanning Your Back

Believe it or not, this is such a frequently asked question. But we have the perfect solution that has been used in the trade for years for the hard-to-reach area.
Grab A Hairbrush
Go to your bedroom grab your hairbrush, grab your tanning Mitt, slip your tanning Mitt over your hairbrush head and secure it in place with a hair bobble around the handle.
Holding the handle, place your tan on the mitt, reach around to your back and get to work. The length of the handle gives you that added security to get the job done solo and perfectly.
You can go from the bottom of the back in an upward motion, or alternatively, go from the shoulder blades down into the centre of the back. Don't be afraid to pull out your best moves and if you haven't tried this trick already, then we can guarantee we have just changed the tanning game for you too!
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