How To Use Self Tanning Lotions & Creams

How To Use Lotions & Creams
Looking for something a little more moisturising? Our self tan Lotions & Creams could be exactly what your skin needs! After all who doesn’t want hydrated skin with a sun-kissed tan?
New to tanning
Whatever look you’re hoping to achieve from your fake tan, we’ve got you covered. If you’re new to tanning and don’t know where to start, we’d recommend our Professional Daily Tanning Moisturiser, which contains Aloe Vera & Vitamin E to leave your skin feeling silky smooth! This gradual fake tan can be applied daily to control the depth of colour your wishing to achieve, meaning the more you apply the darker you’ll go!
Quicker results
If you’re looking for quicker results from your fake tan then we’d recommend trying our Professional 1 Hour Fast Tan Lotion, perfect for any of our busy babes! This fake tan develops after just one hour for a light tan, two hours for a medium tan and three hours for a deep bronzed tan. If that wasn’t enough, the instant guide colour gives an instant glow whilst highlighting any areas you may have missed, for a streak-free, flawless finish!
Preparing to tan
Now you know a little bit more about our range, we’ll get to the good bit, how to apply! For a flawless tan we’d recommend exfoliating and shaving at least 24 hours before applying your self tan. Our Professional Pre-Tan Skin Primer is perfect for the job, using natural grains, it primes your skin ready for tanning by removing dead skin cells and evening out the skin’s surface to help your tan last for longer!
Ready to apply
Now you’re one step closer to achieving the perfect glow and ready to apply your self tan. To start things off you’ll need to get yourself an applicator mitt or glove, this will help you to achieve a flawless finish and avoid staining the palms of your hands (You can use your hands to rub in our Daily Tanning Moisturiser, just remember to wash your palms when you’ve finished!) Then start to blend your self tan in circular motions on your body and face, if your lotion or cream features a guide colour you’ll be able to see if there’s any areas you’ve missed.
Knees, elbows and hands
Areas like your knees, elbows and hands can be some of the trickiest to tan! To avoid streak, bend your knees and elbows when applying and form a claw shape with your hands, you may feel a bit silly, but it’ll all be worth it when you become actual glow goals.
And finally
You may be done tanning but it’s not over! Before getting dressed make sure your tan is fully dry so you don’t end up with a blotchy finish. If your self tan lotion or cream features an instant guide colour we’d recommend wearing any loose, dark clothing to avoid any transfer. Once you’re dressed you’re good to go, but try to avoid any contact with water, perspiring or applying any other products to your skin, it’s the perfect excuse to get out of the washing up! Each self tan is different so it’s important to check the development time, on average it’s usually between 4-6 hours, unless you’ve used one of our fast tans, which develops in as little as one hour. Once you’ve reached your glow goals, simply wash away, avoiding any soaps, shower gels or shampoo and you’re good to go!
Hopefully this handy guide has helped you get to grips with our tanning Lotions & Creams!
[prod:professional-gradual-daily-self-tanning-moisturiser-200ml] [prod:professional-1-hour-fast-self-tanning-lotion-250ml] [prod:advanced-glycolic-peel-tan-remover-200ml]